The adventures of a wacky girl who decided to cut off all her hair.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Told my mummy about my head (or more like, posted a pic on Xanga and waited for repercussions to trickle down)...

Thank you, Wongs, for loving/hosting me!! <3

Pics from Owiber

Gratuitous shot of the boy who set up the studio lights, opening his "present" from me:

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sorta drained

I think my general state of exhaustion has resulted in a reluctance to maintain this blog. Also, my hair shows decently littler change now; I think I've done OK documenting it for the first two months or so... hopefully I can keep it updated weekly or something. I still take Webcam shots when I remember to.

I miss my hair more now that I've got some formal/interview events to go to. It really does look nicer to just... look like a girl... I miss it, haha. Yesterday I was genuinely a bit sad about how I look in a dress shirt and dress pants. I look dykish. ;) Oh well. It's OK - it is coming back in. Lots of good analogies to be had there, hah... I miss feeling girly and pretty and head-turning. There! The truth is out!