The adventures of a wacky girl who decided to cut off all her hair.

Friday, September 28, 2007

An Update

Welp, Sunday is the big day. I had to push the dates back about 4 weeks because of responsibilities that came up in between, but it's now or never.

Random interesting thoughts to come back to:

Can girls without hair still wear cute little sundresses?
Does hair represent identity? Why? If it's gone, does one lose one's identity too?
I went to a photo presentation the other day where the photographer mentioned how hair is an integral part of black culture - the fixing, the shaving, the styling. That's an interesting thought to pursue.

Anyway... *deep breath* I'm a bit jittery. =]

1 comment:

Nica said...

I think hair CAN help represent identity, but would only really in a place where men and women wore THE EXACT SAME THING and the women had certain hair and the men had certain hair.

Being feminine doesn't require hair. You can wear girly dresses, etc. etc. etc.