The adventures of a wacky girl who decided to cut off all her hair.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Post #60

I'm never going to be famous, because I can't remember to update these things. I also don't like constraints. ;p There are almost always pics on Flickr, though.

Here I am at... Oh, I've given up counting days or weeks (I'll be a terrible pregnant woman) but I'm around 5.5 months (of hair growth, not baby growth) right now. I liked how my hair turned out this one day. I keep meaning to cut it but have no time nor inspiration photos, so it just keeps growing. It's long enough to tie in the back now - just a wisp... less than I've had since babyhood - but it's tied!!

Today my mom flew into Austin... I'd forgotten about my hair, so when she stroked it I thought she was just messing with it. I think she was fine with it. ;) Then she went off on a tangent about how the women in my family have good thick heads of hair. Nice.


kam said...

Thanks for stopping in and for leaving some love on my blog. I have had many a bad haircut in my day...are you sad your cut yours? I am trying to figure it out from your other posts. It is getting long though and I love the most recent picture of your hair! ;) It will do what it does best and grow...Talk to you soon- Kam

Mary-Beth said...

hey! hair is looking good. :)
on friday, it'll be like two and a half months since I shaved my head. grows soo slow. :P