The adventures of a wacky girl who decided to cut off all her hair.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Day 10

It's a little hard to keep up with lengthy blogging solely on the topic of hair on a daily basis. I keep another blog (a bit obsessively ;p) and I guess that one's a much more rounded view of my life in general - this is the Horcrux in which I have chosen to deposit my hairless soul, and apparently that part of me is quite tiny. Or something.

Anyway, as you can see, the hair is growing back quite fast despite my promptly having forgotten to take vitamins/etc. for it like three days after the deed was done. Hah.

Interesting thought - you know how people always say they recognize others - killers, actors, characters in movies, whatever (like that scene in War) - don't they very technically mean they recognize the skin, bone and hair around the actual blobs? I dunno, it sounds gruesome and stupid to think of, no doubt. But it's true. It's also like saying "I can recognize her face from a distance." Have you ever stopped to think of how much of that face (at least on girls) is framed by hair? Would you REALLY recognize them from a distance without hair? In a sea of hairless heads?

Anyway, it's really late and I've been "sick" for a week and a half now (terrible allergies - to mold, maybe? They're KILLING ME) so maybe I shouldn't say this, but I feel like it and it's hair-related.

Yesterday I "saw" my ex for a bit - we had the same journalism interns' meeting. We haven't really crossed paths in over a year and the few times we have have been very intense and pretty depressing. Anyway, he was one of those dudes who is really into long hair and liked it a lot on me - down, at that. He hadn't seen me even with the short bob, I don't think, and didn't really know about me shaving my head. (He'd been against the idea when we were dating :P) He pretty obviously didn't notice me when he was standing in the hallway because he came up right next to where I was sitting on the floor, stood there and started talking to classmates. I don't think he realized it was me until I stood up a while later to move into the classroom (he was behind me, so we never really saw each other's faces - just I, for a split second, saw him when he was walking down the hall and I just dropped my head and never looked up. I don't know why). He still might not have noticed if the intern supervisor didn't speak to me and comment on how I'd cut my hair. Heh, well, after that, he went hard left and I went hard right and when the meeting was over we both dashed out the door in opposite directions.

It's just interesting that someone who presumably should know almost everything about me - my height, my size, my profile, my silhouette, my voice - didn't recognize me at all. Gee, I know I had big hair but do I really look that different?

Stopping to think about it... yeah... I do.


I've toyed with the idea that maybe this haircut represents something like purging him out of my system, but the conclusion is that that's stupid. Haha. I feel much freer from things after, I dunno... not this sort of thing. Haha. Maybe freer from shampoo. Not that I feel like I currently have a ton of baggage or whatever. Just... oh, I won't try to make sense. It's so late.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My opinion is that a real guy would be so much about your heart rather then your hair, that if he were in the picture at this time, he'd be proudly toting around your buzz cute...raving about how incredible you are!!! So there to the EX.