The adventures of a wacky girl who decided to cut off all her hair.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Yarr, it is late

So this past week I made a new friend - Hena. The one who sent me the hair article. We have subsequently and very rapidly made great progress in the "getting to know you" game. Random news for my week. I also slept a lot and bummed a lot, probably all very bad since this is crunch week.

I'm slowly getting my get-go back. I think it is correlated to my sleeping habits. The more sleep I get, the happier I am.

The hair is no longer "freshly shaved." It's not even "stubble" any more. Today at the Statesman I made the realization that I don't love it, don't hate it, but it's actually starting to look like short hair now. That's pretty awesome. I know I've said it before, but it's sort of like my warped inverted pregnancy experience with things getting easier after the drastic beginning. Haha. Not bad. I'm incoherent from sleepiness. I wonder what I will write for Brio.

This weekend I did a make-up bridal shoot for a couple whose wedding I shot in September. We ran out of time during their wedding-on-a-boat so I had to schedule them another one (it wasn't my fault on the wedding, btw). To make them relax and laugh I told them about how I had dreamed I was getting married and had no hair to pin it to. They laughed so hard I got awesome smiley pics. Glad to amuse, any time.

Here are old shots and some from today: 4 weeks yesterday. Gid commented in church, "Your hair grows back quick!" Rachel very kindly compared me to Gabby, but she's way prettier. I really think I should start caring more about my looks. Beyond just these little mental stirrings, I mean. It's getting cold. The only thing that makes me want my hair back is so I can look cute in winter clothes. That seems really superficial, yes?

Lately I've been getting a lot of little mental "eurekas" that are less-than-100%. I'm finding out a lot of small things about myself that are not so great.

A happy zit for you!

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