The adventures of a wacky girl who decided to cut off all her hair.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

You know you're tired when...

...You make a blog post to completely the wrong blog and don't realize it until you notice the layout looks different. Which, of course, is NOT something I just did. PSH!

So since this experiment is not about me coming out or anything, I have noticed the need to make a conscious effort to be slightly more feminine. I tend to be very much of a jeans-and-T-shirt girl, and while I wouldn't exactly call myself a tomboy any more I don't have a lot of pinky-pink clothing any more. I never before thought my wardrobe was too androgynous, but hey... no hair means I must supplement my femininity in other ways, eh? I guess.

...Eh, I'm too lazy. ;) Jeans and T-shirts are so easy.

In other news, my bald head is in the news, ironically in a piece of wild art for the Texan on the Burma issue from that rally I went to (with only 6 people). But likewise, being lazy, I am far too sluggish at 5 a.m. to scan it for you or anything. Maybe later.

My steady stream of photos proves that only the insane shave their heads.

I did take a bunch of pictures this weekend, if you're bored and want to see... But they're not OF me.


Angello said...

nice photo is that yourself? keep it going :-)

check out my blogs too ok?

Thank you for visiting my blogs, please leave comment to show me that you were there ok? Dont forget to c... a... as i need money for pick ups for guitar.
Tell your friend too ^_^
Thank you so much keep bloging and
... keep it real buddy ^_^

Anonymous said...

I was wondering about that, if perhaps you've been feeling less feminine these days, because I felt something similar with my Winona Ryder do :D and noticed myself trying to be more feminine. At times, I wondered if folk passed me off as one of the fellows or thought I played for the "other" team. I definitely felt more tough, bold and rebellious even...and now that my locks are all grown out, I hardly feel any of those things anymore :-/ Isn't that crazy? We have magical powers in our HAIR!!

Mary-Beth said...

YAY FOR SHAVING YOUR HEAD! you've so inspired me and there's no way I'm turning back now...:P
was having some doubts about it but I've wanted to shave my head too for forever. hopefully I'm going to Jan '08.
looks awesome girl.