The adventures of a wacky girl who decided to cut off all her hair.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween, pt. 2

I went downtown to shoot the Halloween insanity for J325; halfway through I accidentally exposed all my film. Uber bummer. Anyway, I'm tired of webcam shots so here you are. :D

Interesting comment: I suddenly appeal very much to black guys. Short hair or something. They love it. They talk to me all the time now. I really don't mean to racially profile or anything. Just three or four in one week is enough to make me take note. They never talk to me other times!


Anonymous said...

hi kat. i dont mean to be like a stalker. but i saw your post on kates' wall. and i decided to come, well, stalk you. :)
you look very pretty with your hair, kat! : D
i hope you had fun on halloween ;)


Anonymous said...

OK, so randomly I was thinking about you the other day, and it dawned on me that you get to LIVE MY DREAM of experimenting with all sorts of sassy hairstyles as your's grows back. I just don't have the guts to go drastically short ( I lack what you have, my dear) , but I look at women with uber short locks and long for that freedom, simplicity and jazz.
So I will live vicariously through you - or at least your hair folicles. =)