The adventures of a wacky girl who decided to cut off all her hair.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Told my mummy about my head (or more like, posted a pic on Xanga and waited for repercussions to trickle down)...

Thank you, Wongs, for loving/hosting me!! <3

Pics from Owiber

Gratuitous shot of the boy who set up the studio lights, opening his "present" from me:

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sorta drained

I think my general state of exhaustion has resulted in a reluctance to maintain this blog. Also, my hair shows decently littler change now; I think I've done OK documenting it for the first two months or so... hopefully I can keep it updated weekly or something. I still take Webcam shots when I remember to.

I miss my hair more now that I've got some formal/interview events to go to. It really does look nicer to just... look like a girl... I miss it, haha. Yesterday I was genuinely a bit sad about how I look in a dress shirt and dress pants. I look dykish. ;) Oh well. It's OK - it is coming back in. Lots of good analogies to be had there, hah... I miss feeling girly and pretty and head-turning. There! The truth is out!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Everyone deserves a hiatus

Sorry, I pretended I was on vacation. Oh, wait, I am!

Anyway, I've got some pics:

I have more, somewhere on Flickr; will dig them out later. Hope everyone had a great holiday. Thankful for something?

I'll tell you this: I camped out for Black Friday and was ever so thankful for ever having had hair ... it really keeps you warm.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

And then I thought it might be fun to take pictures in all the places my laptop goes

So it not only becomes the Saga of the Shorn, but the Wandering Walks of the Wigless... or something equally retarded. Yeah! Here I am in the PCL library (yes, redundant) on the UT campus...

This is post-brilliant-workout. Which here is copied from my other blog...

Of Workouts

Some people, as I mentioned before, have the ability to power through 16-mile runs "for fun." Peggy, you know I'm glaring at you. I admire them a lot, but I would never "go running with them to hang out." For one thing, you'd have to scrape me off the ground with a spatula at the end of it. For another thing, there would be no hanging out involved. There would be me breathing like a laboring woman. Then there would be Peggy, about 50 feet ahead, dancing lightly in circles running backwards to encourage me. Then there would be me attempting to throw things. And then collapsing in aforementioned meltdown.

So I have some feeble bragging to make. I hauled myself out of bed (yes, at 12 noon :D), walked down to Gregory, did some weights and machines and then did 30 minutes on the elliptical. I managed to do just over 3 miles on some "hill workout" (which involves progressively tougher levels, I guess - for some reason I picked 5 although I'm sure 1 would have worked fine). I found that I prefer ellipticals to actual running... because although I'm sure the exercise it offers is inferior, the elliptical actually allows me to stare blankly at a TV screen while I "run."

I brought my Nano along for the fun of it. It was a great distraction; one can only people-watch (more precisely, stare at the fat butt of the old man in front) for so long. I used the beats of my music to dictate how fast or how slowly I ran. Tiny tip: Do not try to keep up with the "Beast and the Harlot" from Guitar Hero II at "the peak of Kilimanjaro workout" unless you want to end up with tingling feet tips. My feet were numb by the end of that song. It was so much longer than I expected, and it really took it out of me. On the other hand, it made me do 3/4 of a mile in 4 minutes. Hah. (I slacked off a few times in disbelief at the song's transitions into yet more length and complexity)

It was a very cathartic experience. But I still don't like people looking at me when I work out. Gyms are such embarrassing places.

Now since I'm being so virtuous, I will go write an article or something. Either on hair or on cleaning house. Or I will write a paper.


I love making faces.

Interesting. The less I look like a "freak," the more I care how I look. Interesting. As Wilson would say.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Baggy eyes and all. In the interest of honesty.

As far as I know, weight loss for undereye areas is not a possibility.

Friday, November 9, 2007

And then today was just an awful day.

Everything that could go wrong went wrong. And a few things that shouldn't've decided to do so as well!

I would like to marry a car mechanic someday. He would be useful.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I tried something new today.

I apparently have a thing for androgynous dressing.

Just kidding, but I took that cap I was GOING to give Timmy and decided to try it on. Well, I liked. So I went to work in a navy long-sleeve split-neck shirt with a green tank under it. The hat matched. :D

Also, because Christina is here the kitchen is cleaned...


OK, are you tired of me yet?

A bonus FOBulous shot.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007

Bumblebee makes me cool

This morning I had a slight scare: Tiffany had posted something vague that made me wonder if Karen was engaged (congrats, you guys!) so we were catching up when she started talking about my hair. As far as I know nobody in Taiwan knows about my hair just yet, so I was a bit worried... but it seems everything is [still] smooth sailing.

I feel bad I don't write much. I'm an awful blogger these days. At least the pics help.

Dude, I really want to dye my hair some funky colors. Yaar, as Hena would say.

I went to Auntie Susan's for a dinner party tonight and it was a smashing success. All props and thanks for a delicious meal and a lot of fun... thank you! :)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween, pt. 2

I went downtown to shoot the Halloween insanity for J325; halfway through I accidentally exposed all my film. Uber bummer. Anyway, I'm tired of webcam shots so here you are. :D

Interesting comment: I suddenly appeal very much to black guys. Short hair or something. They love it. They talk to me all the time now. I really don't mean to racially profile or anything. Just three or four in one week is enough to make me take note. They never talk to me other times!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Yarr, it is late

So this past week I made a new friend - Hena. The one who sent me the hair article. We have subsequently and very rapidly made great progress in the "getting to know you" game. Random news for my week. I also slept a lot and bummed a lot, probably all very bad since this is crunch week.

I'm slowly getting my get-go back. I think it is correlated to my sleeping habits. The more sleep I get, the happier I am.

The hair is no longer "freshly shaved." It's not even "stubble" any more. Today at the Statesman I made the realization that I don't love it, don't hate it, but it's actually starting to look like short hair now. That's pretty awesome. I know I've said it before, but it's sort of like my warped inverted pregnancy experience with things getting easier after the drastic beginning. Haha. Not bad. I'm incoherent from sleepiness. I wonder what I will write for Brio.

This weekend I did a make-up bridal shoot for a couple whose wedding I shot in September. We ran out of time during their wedding-on-a-boat so I had to schedule them another one (it wasn't my fault on the wedding, btw). To make them relax and laugh I told them about how I had dreamed I was getting married and had no hair to pin it to. They laughed so hard I got awesome smiley pics. Glad to amuse, any time.

Here are old shots and some from today: 4 weeks yesterday. Gid commented in church, "Your hair grows back quick!" Rachel very kindly compared me to Gabby, but she's way prettier. I really think I should start caring more about my looks. Beyond just these little mental stirrings, I mean. It's getting cold. The only thing that makes me want my hair back is so I can look cute in winter clothes. That seems really superficial, yes?

Lately I've been getting a lot of little mental "eurekas" that are less-than-100%. I'm finding out a lot of small things about myself that are not so great.

A happy zit for you!

Monday, October 29, 2007

I got tired of webcam pics.

I have the last couple days' worth, but it's boring.

Instead, courtesy of Sam...