The adventures of a wacky girl who decided to cut off all her hair.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

15 days!

Last night I dreamed I decided to get married. It wasn't until I was standing in the foyer waiting to walk down the aisle that I realized I had nothing to pin my veil to. I bawled. I then woke up and laughed, thanking my lucky stars that I hadn't been so silly as to get married on a whim. (I don't care about the man, it would so seem - never even took a peek at his face in my dream)

It's only been 15 days. Quite apparently, if I were in that movie "30 Days of Night" or whatever (which I haven't seen), I would not be able to survive because that's a really long time for me.

I made an "online friend" thanks to katy~* - she shaved her head for her friend who was undergoing chemo, I b'lieve, and she looks good with it! That gives me hope. Haha. It's OK; I'm OK with looking chewed. XD

Remember how I said I was making a conscious effort to look girlier? I think I gave up on it. I ran around all day in a boys' white muscle T and jeans. I don't think I'm helping myself out much here. Oh well...

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