The adventures of a wacky girl who decided to cut off all her hair.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I miss you, baby

Today I went to Express with Sam to take advantage of a sale they were having. There was actually some semi-good stuff, but I went planning to get more dress shirts for job-hunting. Well, in the changing room I found some stuff that looked good on me - from the neck down. A bit higher up, it kinda looked like a joke. Hahaha. I had a small pang then. *shrug* I'm over it. ;)

My mom called. "Do you still have hair?" Me: [split second pause too long] "Um, yes, of course." Her: "A lot?" Me: "Yes..." Technically... this is true. Lol.

I have been taking flaxseed oil sporadically for hair growth. Well, it works. Very well. Not just on my head but on my eyebrows and legs, too! So today I tried this random Sally Hansen waxing kit. OH MY GOODNESS, it's a mess. Hahaha. But I like ripping hair off my eyebrows - so much faster than plucking. I'm probably a masochist. B-)

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