The adventures of a wacky girl who decided to cut off all her hair.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Weekend catch-up

Sorry for no picture. Olivia and Garrick were in town this weekend, yay!

A cheat - you can't see if I have anything on my head. Maybe that dark is ALL my hair. Sorry if I look wacked. It was taken at 5 a.m.

Yes, I drink like mad. Root beer. Yes, I broke my resolution. ;)


My hair actually bothers me a tiny bit this week. Or maybe the lack of it. I've completely forgotten about the cut and I guess whenever I do remember, there's a tiny, tiny pang there. Meh, it'll be back soon enough.

We went to the Lacoste store in the Domain where I tried on this hat and liked how it looked. But look at that price tag. Why? I can see why some people want to learn to knit... heck, I wanna.

Since we're talking about shopping, Olivia and I both liked this jacket. $225, though, will put me halfway toward a very nice lens. Sigh.

Oh, I was supposed to ONLY talk about hair here? Gee, sorry. ;)

Then in that case... hair is now long enough to pinch. ;)

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