The adventures of a wacky girl who decided to cut off all her hair.

Monday, October 1, 2007

It's a cold, harsh world

At least my scalp thinks so. Gee, it's cold in this office! My head shivereth. :( Have YOU ever gotten goose bumps on your head before?

Actually, a more optimistic way to frame my adventure thus far would be to gush about how many new sensations I have experienced. My scalp has never before had the opportunity to actually feel the nubbiness of a bath towel. It was so fantastic that I took an extra shower today. Hey, it only took 20 seconds.

So far I have garnered a lot of surreptitious stares from younger people (my age), a kind yet surprised and enthusiastic greeting from Loan, and interest from people at work. The nicest comment I've gotten so far was from Alberto at work. He's a middle-aged man of few words (to me, at least) who designs the Austin American-Statesman front page most of the days I'm here. Well, he made a point of coming up to me and saying, "I think your haircut looks just GREAT and it is wonderful." Or something like that. :) Another guy said I looked "badass," haha, and patted it appreciatively.

...The weirdest response came from Sam, who asked if he could rub his head against mine. Seriously, Sam? :D (But Sam is pretty cool still... he drove down to campus and we did bald shoots!)

Shot is courtesy of Andrew Chan, who went downtown with me this morning so we could both work on our photo assignments.

Adding more:

Haha, I lied. Not regret. Just sleepy.

My head is like Velcro when I pull clothes on and off!
And it's really cold. :( Poor head.


Sam said...

In my defense, (so your readers don't think I am some sicko) I also have a bold head right now, and I have always wondered what it would feel like if two monks rubbed their heads together.

Sarah said...

well now would be a good opportunity to invest in keep the head warm!! =P